New Update, News and more

Hello there, i want to talk about this new update, and some other stuff about the app and next versions, considering the previous stuff and how i'm going to aproach the next updates, but first things first the new stuff:

What's New?

New Characters :
-Genshin: Xilonen, Citlati, Ororon

-ZZZ: Nikole, Zhu Yuan, Jane Doe, Caesar, Burnice

-Star Rail: Topaz, Rappa

New animations for both studio and the pool Zone:

Main menu Touch Reaction system

General Fixes


Now About What's going on with the app? I'm going to keep posting updates  and i will try to do them more often as before, i cannot promise to go back to the monthly ones, but I have more free time now to work on it, sadly I Get Commissions for other stuff and i'm going to start  development of my next game soon so, what can you expect in the future for the app? well that's easy, more animations, more characters, more customization options, and the *NEW* Dating Stuff!

What's going on with the dating stuff and how it's related to the next plans?
The Way i am designing them would be based on the reactive narrative concept design that i want to use for my next game, and it's important to make it work on this app first, this concept is not like a typical VN kind of story, i want it to feel less gamification in design, i was trying to actually do something like a VN for the YelanXMalePlayer Date, but i just didn't liked the way it was being done, so i scrapped it and started again, also i'm not a good writter and i am not using ai for that lmao

Now how are the dates going to be in the future then? there would be shorter and ship specific scenarios, so you need to choose a pair and you would get the beach zone open if the date for that couple is available, after that you need to play to advance on the stories, for example i have something with sara and itto, and you play as itto and choose sara as your partner, so the beach zone opens, and you get the dating scene to play, if you do the stuff right you unlock new scenes to use for other couples on another menu, not the rooms, but new animations to use on the rooms too.

So what's up with the prices on here and patreon? what's the difference? with the previous version i choose to lock the updates on patreon at 1 Usd per month, but added another option to get them here if you wanted the pc or android version separately if you couldn't use patreon fro some reason, now that was extremely supported and now i feel like people actually care about this project so that's why i'm going to keep posting more updates , and decided a new way to get the game, you can get it from here at 5USD for lifetime or 1 Usd on patreon for the version you want or if you don't have the money for the 5 USD, kinda like gamepass games work lol, about public updates? i don't know if those would come back tho

What About the people who got the previous version for the previous price? just send a DM on Discord with proof of purchase and i'll send you the current version 

Discord: raidenalter
Discord Server :

I'm working on the Android 14/arm64 version to work, but i cannot get it compiled yet, but i'm close to make it work


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Oct 26, 2024
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Oct 26, 2024

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